A. Procedures pertaining to the evaluation process are hereby incorporated and made a part of this Agreement, and there shall be no unilateral changes. Any change shall be negotiated between the parties. Required procedures are specified in the TES Procedures Manual.
B. Student test results (growth data) for the 2011-2012 school year will constitute year 1 (the beginning year) for the purpose of compiling three (3) years of student growth data, for teachers who teach FCAT subject area content and whose students take the FCAT assessment. Each subsequent year thereafter that a corresponding state-wide assessment or local district assessment becomes available for evaluation purposes will constitute year one(1) for teachers who teach the assessed content and whose students take that assessment. For teachers who become employed by the district any time after a year one (1) implementation of any approved state-wide or local district assessment, that year of employment constitutes their year one (1) for the purpose of compiling three (3) years of student growth data. but non-renewal decisions for annual contract teachers will be made on the information available at the time those decisions must be made.
C. Non-renewal decisions for annual, Category 1, contract teachers will be made on the information available at the time those decisions must be made.
D. Definitions
1. Annual Summative Evaluation Score: Final evaluation score comprised of the teacher’s
IPS and SGS scores.
2. Annual Instructional Practice Score (IPS) Evaluation: End of the school year review of a teacher’s summative IPS score. This includes a review of the final deliberate practice score. The annual IPS evaluation excludes the Student Growth Score for that year.
3. Annual Instructional Practice Score (IPS) Evaluation Conference: The conference held between the evaluator and the teacher to discuss the annual Instructional Practice Score. The teacher may provide additional artifacts to assist in determining additional ratings in the appropriate evaluation framework within the applicable Domains. Absent from this discussion is the Student Growth Score (SGS).
4. Annual Summative Evaluation Conference: The conference held between the evaluator and the teacher to discuss the summative final evaluation. The annual summative evaluation conference will be held following receipt of the teacher’s SGS. This conference includes a review of a teacher’s IPS and SGS, finalized with teacher and evaluator signatures to the evaluation.
5. Artifacts: Student or teacher work products. Student work products may include, but are not limited to, work samples, portfolios, projects, or creative works. Teacher artifacts may include, but are not limited to, lesson or unit plans, manipulatives, models, data analyses, student learning aides, classroom charts, formative student progress charts, observation tracking notes, running records, progress monitor reports (benchmarks), student common assessment results, individual or professional learning community meeting and/or task logs.
6. Category 1 Teacher: A teacher within the first three (3) consecutive years of teaching in the Martin County School District without a break in service.
7. Category 1 Teacher, Non-classroom: A teacher within their first three (3) years of teaching in the Martin County School District and fulfills a supportive role other than a classroom assigned teacher.
8. Category II Teacher: A teacher within the fourth (4th) year or longer of teaching within the Martin County School District without a break in service.
9. Category II Teacher, Non-classroom: A teacher within the fourth (4th) year or longer of teaching within the Martin County School District and fulfills a supportive role other than a classroom assigned teacher.
10. Deliberate Practice Midpoint Conference: The conference held between the evaluator and the teacher at the mid-point of the annual evaluation timeline. A formative discussion will take place to review progress to date on the element selected to comprise the deliberate practice plan. A mid-point score will be documented in the electronic evaluation system, which will contribute to a final summative deliberate practice score at the end of the evaluation timeline.
11.Deliberate Practice Plan: The individual professional development plan that includes one element of needed improvement selected by the teacher from a list of the following Marzano high-yield strategies/elements: (Providing Clear Learning Goals and Scales (Rubrics); Tracking Student Progress; Celebrating Success; Previewing New Content; Chunking Content into Digestible Chunks; Examining Similarities and Differences; Practicing Skills, Strategies, and Processes; Organizing Students for Cognitively Complex Tasks; Engaging Students for Cognitively Complex Tasks involving Hypotheses Generation and Testing; and Using Physical Movement.) The plan shall include a personal self-assessment to constitute baseline data with targeted dates for measuring growth expentancy. These data growth points will culminate in a summative deliberate practice score, which will comprise a portion of the instructional practice score. The Deliberate Practice Plan is not the Individual Professional Development Plan, but fulfills the state requirement for completing the Professional Development Plan (IPDP).
12. Domains 1-4: Elements of instruction organized within four (4) categories of the Marzano Art and Science of Teaching Evaluation Model. This includes Domains 1, 2, 3, and 4.
13. Effective: An annual summative evaluation score that yields an "Effective" rating as determined by the qualifying range.
14. Feedback: Timely and specific hand-written or electronic information provided about a prior action that serves to change or modify behavior to improve future actions or depth of understanding, and/or to affirm successful behaviors aligned to the appropriate evaluation framework. For evaluation purposes, feedback is typically provided to a teacher by the evaluator and follows the format for a continuous cycle of improvement.
15. Formal Observation: Evaluator observation of a teacher’s instructional practice and/or primary work performance. The formal observation consists of a classroom or non-classroom observation for 30 minutes or an entire class period, whichever is greater. A pre-observation conference and post-observation conference should be conducted in conjunction with the formal observation and held within the required timeline.
16. Highly Effective: An annual summative evaluation score that yields a "Highly Effective" rating as determined by the qualifying range.
17. Informal Observation: Evaluator observation of a teacher’s instructional practice and/or primary work performance. The informal observation lasts at least fifteen (15) minutes. While pre-observation conferences and post-observation conferences are not associated with the informal observation, evaluators shall provide timely and actionable written feedback to teachers regarding the observation.
18. Mid-Point Evaluation Conference: The conference held between the evaluator and Category I teacher at the mid-point of the annual evaluation timeline. A formative evaluation discussion will take place to review the instructional practice, deliberate practice and formative student growth mid-point scores reported on a mid-point evaluation document signed by the evaluator and Category I teacher.
19. Needs Improvement/Developing: An annual summative evaluation score that yields a "Needs improvement or Developing" rating as determined by the qualifying range.
20. Orientation Conference: Conference held at the beginning of the school year to explain and review evaluation criteria, both general and specific, that will be utilized to evaluate the teacher.
21. Pre-Observation Conference: The conference held between the teacher and evaluator prior to the formal observation to discuss the lesson prepared for the scheduled formal observation. The evaluator will ask questions of the teacher to preview the components of the lesson. It is expected that the teacher will share the formal observation lesson plan and any other pertinent teacher or student artifacts. During such time, the evaluator will score in domains related to planning and preparing as it pertains to the lesson to be observed, or other applicable evaluation framework domains.
22. Post Observation Conference: The conference held between the teacher and evaluator within five (5) student attendance days of the formal observation to discuss the results of the formal observation. Additional artifacts may be shared in order to demonstrate related components of the lesson, such as student work samples, or other formative or summative assessment results. During such time, the evaluator will score in domains related to reflecting on teaching as it relates to the lesson observed, or other applicable evaluation framework domains.
23. Satisfactory performance: The term used to describe a teacher’s annual summative evaluation score that includes all levels of performance except Unsatisfactory.
24. Struggling Teacher: A teacher who has received an annual summative evaluation score of Unsatisfactory or two (2) consecutive annual summative evaluation scores of Needs Improvement from the previous school years. The Struggling Teacher is entitled to a Teacher Improvement Plan (TIP) designed mutually between the evaluator and teacher for the purpose of providing supportive and structured intensive assistance to improve targeted areas, and thus overall performance.
25. Student Growth Score (SGS): The value that represents the difference between a student’s actual and predicted results as contributed by the teacher with respect to the content tested. Determined by state-wide or local district assessment performance data, this score comprises a composite value for all students assigned to the teacher. The calculation method may include, but is not limited to, a value added covariate model.
26. Teacher Evaluation System (TES): The term for the overall evaluation process and procedures for a Martin County Teacher.
27. Teacher Improvement Plan (TIP): An action plan mutually designed by the teacher and evaluator to provide support for improving a struggling teacher’s performance. The TIP action plan will supply a narrative designed by the evaluator explaining the gap between actual and desired performance and state specific criteria that will constitute improved performance. The evaluator shall enumerate the specific behavior(s) that require improvement with a minimum of three (3) support recommendations or strategies per behavior for improving the teacher’s performance, including specific assistance that will be provided by the evaluator in this endeavor. Reasonable timelines to make the needed adjustments will be provided. The timeline must include methods for monitoring the evidence of improvement, or lack thereof, which shall include, but are not limited to, additional formal and informal observations, and formative conferences with feedback based on artifacts and other evidence.
28. Unsatisfactory: An annual summative evaluation score that yields an "Unsatisfactory" rating as determined by the qualifying range.
29. Value Added Model (VAM): The statistical method developed by the state to measure student learning growth for the FCAT assessment.